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Heart Healing Journey

The Elements

bach plants
bach book

Bach Plants
Healing Essence

“Balance your emotions - maximize your potential”

Bach remedies are a range of 38 plants essences made from wildflowers, trees, and bushes, each relating to a specific emotion or feeling that anyone may experience. The essences were first discovered in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, a physician, bacteriologist, and homeopath who was one of the first to say that emotional well-being was the key to good health.

Bach Remedies are a unique and powerful set of tinctures created from plants to

serve and heal our emotions and subtle bodies.

They were built from nature and are infused with the life found in the earth and its elements. 

Dr. Bach's work was based on the four elements:

Earth, as the primary, maternal nurturer of the plants

Air, as the source of life and energy for the plants

Sun, as the fire activates the plant’s healing abilities

Water, to collect and be infused with the plant's powerful healing attributes

The idea behind Bach's plant remedies is similar to homeopathy.

Only with Bach Remedies, fewer substances are used, and instead of focusing 

directly on physical symptoms, the focus is on emotional healing.

By balancing and healing our emotions and pain, we can support the body in healing itself. 

Each of the Bach flowers holds a specific energetic current, and each of the qualities that reside in the plants corresponds with qualities that reside in the human soul. Meaning that the frequency that resides in each plant corresponds with a frequency that resides in the human soul.

During the retreat, we will get to know, deepen and experiment with the relevant extracts. We will learn how to brew the appropriate bottle to balance and heal our hearts, alongside a meditation practice with Bach frequencies, and go on a spiritual journey with the plants.

At the end of the retreat, we will all have our personal Bach essence that will accompany our transformation and personal healing journey for weeks to come.

Dr. Edward Bach

Dr. Edward Bach
bach remedies make it heal retreats

Meditation & Mindfulness

During our retreat's, we will have several meditation practices every day.

Silent yet powerful practices from different cultures around the world.

Some will be guided, and some accompanied by live music. 

We will learn and practice correct breathing which will allow us to release the defenses that we’ve put up over the years and limit our growth.

The more we practice keeping a steady breathing sequence the vitality and energy levels in our bodies will improve.

Embracing a feeling of clarity, healing, confidence, and self-esteem.

We will get to meet and experience the higher version of our soul.

Techniques used during the retreat:

9 breaths technique

Heart breath practice

Heart language meditation

Soul journey meditation

Frequencies meditation for opening & clearing the heart chakra.

7 senses meditation

group meditation make it heal retreat

“To meet the same things - But to see them differently” 

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

The goal of mindfulness is to wake up to the inner workings of our mental, emotional, and physical processes.


Meditation gives you an experience, an inner state where what is you and what is yours is separated.

With this practice we put our attention on the present moment, an outlook that increases our ability to process and receive new information, and expands our self-awareness.

Mindfulness and meditation are mirror-like reflections of each other: mindfulness supports and enriches meditation, while meditation nurtures and expands mindfulness. While mindfulness can be applied to any situation during the day, meditation is usually practiced for a certain period of time.

bach remedies make it heal retreats

Plants, Resins & Incenses

During our retreats, we will use different types of incense, and plants for purification, transitions, dream support, along with resins from different cultures for physical and energetic purification in traditional methods.

We will get to know and experience the plants and resins that heal

and open the heart, boost the immune system, and support opening dreams.

These plants and resins have a way to connect our consciousness to timelessness and the knowing that everything is happening in the present moment.

Working with the smoke of the incense is alchemy at its best.

When using the smoke we harness the four elements for

the purpose of our healing work.

The smoke enters different layers and brings healing

to the layers that are hidden from us. 

bach remedies make it heal retreats
Healing Therapy
kabala script

72 Names technology from the Kabala

According to the Kabbalah, the world was created in letters and therefore they are the main tool used to connect to this force and create our reality.

The 72 Names is a very powerful and spiritual technology

from the Kabbalah used for thousands of years all over the world.


The 72 Names are each a 3-letter sequence that acts like an index to specific frequencies.

These combinations of Hebrew letters have an extraordinary power to cultivate change in our lives. They are designed to clean the energy and to solve problems and difficulties in life.

You can practice this method even if you don't speak or read Hebrew.

During our retreat, we will practice elements from this method in our daily meditation and we will learn to bring these frequencies into our life.

kabala script

Connecting with our heart means connecting with our inner intuition and our deepest desires.

Our heart has the answers to any question, and it will be happy to share them with us if we only wish it.

Vered, every time I think I've reached my peak, my highest level of awareness, in the practices with you it only gets deeper and deeper and I really couldn't be happier. I feel like I have finally conquered something that has kept me from moving forward for a very long time and I really want to thank you for that.

- Dana Azran

With Vered, I learned to breathe, relax, look at things differently, create change, dream big, and breathe again.

Practicing meditation with  Vered and her music is a healing and high-level practice and these days I practice myself the way I learned from her wherever I am in the world.

Je t'aime Vered

- Patricia Gerard

Vered is a very special, caring, and attentive person who is both highly spiritual and down to earth. 

Vered helped me realise the issues that were obstacles to my development and facilitated a path for healing and growth.

Vered supported me with meaningful conversations and bach remedies and I will be forever grateful for that.

- Shirely Merrit

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